Trials and Tribulations

After months of struggling to get website support from GoDaddy, I’ve finally moved my website to and, while hesitating to sound like a commercial, I’ve received more positive support from them in the past week than in all the years I’ve...

White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit

Posted on June 2, 2016 by Bernadette Nason I’ve been saying, “White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit” first thing on the first day of every month since I was tiny. According to my lovely mum, mentioning white rabbits x 3 first thing on the first day of the month...


To celebrate I LOVE READING!, I recently presented at Pillow Elementary, a wonderful multicultural school, and also my local. I pass it every day when I walk. After the event, I was thrilled to get a nice testimonial from the faculty, and along with it, a packet of...

Inappropriate Laughter

Last Tuesday, I worked long and hard. At my computer by 7:45am, I completed a detailed online review for a local business, a tight, pithy anecdote for a grant report, a short story, and an edit of another short story. I updated my Texas Public Library email list (15...